Old Christmas Chair, Old Christmas Chair...
the prizes were stacked neatly, one on top of the other, on the tiny little wooden folding chair that this year took the place of a tree. No ornaments, no decorations, not even a wreath.
Santa stopped by Tiffany for zippy this year. What a sweet old fella he is. zippy stopped by the antique book shop and retrieved three first editions for Santa. Among all the prizes we shared, this was his favorite.
Santa also stopped by the local vineyard and brought to us a good set of stemware that makes us realize the importance of proper stemware with proper wines. The same vintage in this stemware versus the simple tall glass and there is no comparison. One has is a bouquet, the other is vinegar.
To my delight and surprise, he also made a visit to the Virginia area and retrieved a package from a person I have only "met" online. From her he brought thoughtful gifts of kibble for the critters, coffee for the morning, and Lily Tomlin and Jane Wagner for me.
What an amazing thing, the human heart is. It has connected me to places I may never set foot in, and to souls I may only ever psychically touch.
She remembered I had never read "The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe". She remembered I had only seen bits and pieces of the televised production. Now I have them both to read and view at my leisure. What a splendid prize!
I love people. They're the greatest gift of all.
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