Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Tuesday conversation in zippy's world...

her: you should get Lasik done on your eyes.

me: I can't.

her: oh, don't be a big wuss. it's painless! there's nothing to it! look at me! I'm eyewear free as of last Monday!!

me: I really can't.

her: YOU BIG PUSSY!! man, I hope I'm not as scared of shit when I'm as old as you.

me: I have artificial lens implants in my eyes.

her: KEWL!!

me: they're bionic.

her: REALLLY??

me: and they're green.

her: yeah! yeah! I thought you had hazel eyes but YOU'RE RIGHT! THEY ARE GREEN!

me: now when I get annoyed by someone, they pop out and THWACK! the person I'm talking to.

her: ...