Hear that giant sucking sound? It's George Dubya Bush playing President.
Here's yet another reason to hate Dubya, as if we actually needed another one...
Our wilderness legacy was effectively established by President Theodore Roosevelt (check out the quote of the day). Here's a rundown of the Presidents who have preserved it...
Lyndon Johnson - 9,900,000 acres
Richard Nixon - 1,600,000 acres
Gerald Ford - 3,100,000 acres
Jimmy Carter - 66,300,000 acres (my personal hero)
Ronald Reagan - 10,600,000 acres (wow! who'da thunk it??)
GHW Bush - 4,000,000 acres
Bill Clinton - 9,500,000 acres
Dubya - 500,000 acres (that's right folks, 500thousand,
not million, acres.)
Dubya is pushing for even more invasive destruction of our nation's protected acres and it's only a matter of time before he dismantles every preservation established before him.
I think Teddy saw Dubya coming, like Nostradamus saw Hitler hundreds of years in the future.
It's also important to note that Dubya has installed new regulations for nuclear power in the US. Instead of having a verifiable safety equipment in place in every nuclear power plant in America, he's signed off on what the Sierra Club calls a "Harrison Ford solution: in the event of fire or other disaster, heroic technicians would be designated to run through the flames and operate the equipment by hand."
Thank you, Dubya. Good night America.
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