Sunday, February 08, 2004

phone conversation in zippy's world:

Jimmy: "I'm sorry for the way I responded the other day."

zippy: "I understand."

Jimmy: "I'm just so frustrated, you know?"

zippy: "I know."

Jimmy: "For someone who cares so much about so many things... how much are we supposed to give when he doesn't give a shit about himself?"

zippy: "You can only extend yourself so much."

Jimmy: "Am I supposed to put my life on hold AGAIN to run off and try to help him?"

zippy: "No. no."

Jimmy: "He can't live with me again... he can't..."

zippy: "It's okay."

Jimmy: "I'm so sorry..."

zippy: "It's a bad situation that won't get better until it's over."

Jimmy: "Exactly."

zippy: "If I find him... I'll ask him what his wishes are and we'll honor them, together."

Jimmy: "Yes."

zippy: "Okay."