Sunday, January 11, 2004

phone conversations in zippy's world...


"I'm in Salt Lake.... Flights are delayed due to weather.... I'll call you when I board."


"They cancelled all the flights - SIX HOURS AGO!"

"But, isn't that before you arrived?"


"And they didn't broadcast it?"

"I checked as soon as I got off the flight and have been checking ever since. Everything says ON TIME or ON SCHEDULE."

"Can they put you on a bus?"

"They've already chartered one and it left FOUR HOURS AGO!"

"And they didn't tell you?"

"They gave me a voucher for a hotel... I'll call you from there."


"Their voucher doesn't cover the cost of the hotel."


"'We're not responsible for weather', she said."

"But they are responsible for not doing their jobs, right?"

"Welcome to America."

"Call me tomorrow."


"I'm in Hell."