I'm looking at this list of how to's for "Wild Women" --
1. Keep in touch with your inner rebel. (It's okay if the relationshiop is merely friendly rather than hot and heavy - we can't all be Madonna or Susan B. Anthony!)
2. Try to act in a way that is true to your deepest self, even if your mother, significant other, or society in general does not support your behavior. (Easier said than done but highly gratifying in the long run.)
3. Befriend and nurture other women.
4. Befriend and nuture yourself.
5. Speak up! Silence is deadly boring - and sometimes just plain deadly. Pouring out your passion in letters, e-mails or manifestos is a fine alternative if you're not the type to scale that soapbox in public.
6. Learn as much as you can about women in history. The more you know about the accomplishments of others, the more inspired you will feel to challenge the status quo.
7. Take pride in women who defy, exceed, or trifle with conventional expectations.
8. Take one step (even a baby one) each week to promote a truly female friendly environment in your home, community, nation, or the world at large.
9. Raise a little (or a lot of), um, heck ... whenever and wherever the need arises.
10. In the immortal words of Red Hot Mama Sophie Tucker: "Keep breathing!"
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