Tuesday, August 01, 2006



I've not been blogging in quite some time now. All the people who need to know why, do. So this is for the rest of you:

mr. zippy and I are on the outs.

there's no one right and no one wrong.

there's no blame to place.

but we have grown apart.

I need to expand our world and he would rather keep it the way it is. or was.

so the zippy hacienda is mighty quiet these days, the sound of breaking hearts creating a cacophony of silence.

right now I am listening to Peter Murphy. a minute ago it was Colin Hay.

remeber that tune of his, "I Don't Think I'll Ever Get Over You"??

I think it's just as true this moment as it was when I blogged about it last year. I don't think I'll ever get over mr. zippy.

but inertia is killing me.

and I ain't ready to keel over yet.

so, those of you who actually do read this who really do know me, or us even, please... keep him in your best thoughts, as I do.

and hope for us a brighter day tomorrow, however we crawl into it.