Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Hello Friends,

It seems the Majority Whip, Tom Delay, has been censured not once, not twice, but THREE times by the House committee - lead by his own appointed Republican counterparts - investigating allegations of his illegal behavior. They waived censuring him a FOURTH time by leaving it to a Grand Jury to decide.

Now you know the Republican party is now worried that Tom Delay may, in fact, be indicted on criminal charges by said Grand Jury, as they RECENTLY CHANGED THEIR OWN RULES that prevent anyone in the party from retaining leadership positions (such as Majority Whip). This rule was instated in 1993 when the big scary Democrat from Illinois was caught on racketeering charges for pilfering stamps from the House Post Office. The Newt Gingrich GOP said "SEE WHAT MORAL UPSTANDING PEOPLE WE ARE?? WE WILL NEVER ALLOW A CRIMINAL TO RUN OUR PARTY LIKE THE EVIL DEMOCRATS!"

Write to your representatives today. Hold them to their promise.