Watching my dogs play is like watching WWF SMACKDOWN! Lots of noise and even a chair toss, but no bite.
They body slam each other, wrestle each other to the ground and up and back down again, all the while Sydney is growling and barking all ferociously and not one peep out of Smokey. Not one peep.
Smokey is some 20 lbs heavier then Sydney, and all muscle, but she THOROUGHLY pounces his woosy butt all over the back yard. And he loves it! He keeps comin' back for more - can't get enough of it, in fact. Total bottom, that boy, although every now and then he thinks he could top her. That's when she really kicks his ass.
And then they come inside and flop together, as though they've always been best friends, always taken naps together, and held each other's paws while crossing streets.

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