We are still glued to the disaster coverage. I now get the sense that not even this will topple Dubya. it's a disgracefully slow response to a national devestation and I can tell you I've never before truly wanted to leave my country, in spite of my growing disdain since the stolen election of 2000, but here I am seeing Dubya on the cusp of shaping the supreme court for generations to come in the wake of allowing so many to needlessly die because of their lack of economic power or perhaps the color of their skin. in this case, the two are largely synonymous. it makes me sick to my stomach and embarrassed to be an American. I've never ever felt this way before. chagrined, yes, but not wholly ashamed.
Nancy Giles commenting on CBS Sunday Morning said quite frankly that the war on poverty has been lost. She recanted Jesse Jackson's weak attempt at quoting those who would quickly admonish this administration for its lack of response as being racially based. He said "I'm not saying that, but ..." then Nancy (WHO ROCKS!) got all outraged with "THEN I'M SAYING IT."
Personally, I'm saying Jess Jackson is no longer a civil activist. He has become the career politician he started his career out ranting against. He's no more a man of God than George W. Bush or Pat Robertson.
now in the wake of this phenomenal disaster to American citizens, the boy king who could give a shit won't even do that. Isn't that clear when his concern for Trent Lott's lost Pascagoola, Mississippi mansion and how he looks forward to partying on the patio of the new mansion when it's built takes even a moment of his limited press coverage? even a single moment. even Trent Lott didn't do that (yet). isn't it clear when his initial speech to the American public amounted to nothing more than a pep rally for junior high cheer leaders?
Lance Armstrong donated $500,000 to disaster relief. How much did you give, Mr. President?
the director of FEMA got his job because a chronie of Dubya was his good friend. You know what this guy did before he got the FEMA job? he'd been in charge of organizing judges for equestrian competitions. You know why he left that job? Because he'd been forced to resign due to incompetence. at least he didn't kill any horses - or jockeys, or trainers, or barn dogs - as a result, that we know of. now he's murdered hundreds if not thousands of American citizens.
and he'll be rewarded for it, just as all of Dubya's flunkies have been rewarded when they've publically screwed up.
the only ones who've not been rewarded by this administration are the ones who've done their jobs to their utmost capacity, only to be downsized because they did not tow the party line. COLIN POWELL, WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU????
and was it as gaulling to anyone else to see Condoleeza Rice in her crisp white suit pretending to do a public service by putting food in a truck meant for victims of Katrina? FIVE FULL DAYS AFTER HELP WAS FIRST NEEDED.
but she cares about her peeps. she proves it by being the upwardly mobile uber-conservative think tanker that she is. watch that manicure, Condi -- you wouldn't want to have to get another just for putting a box of MREs in the back of a Jeep well located away from any disaster areas.
way to go Condi. give us another round of your conservative compassion and we may just die a day sooner.
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