Sunday, February 06, 2005

For all you inquiring, FRETFUL minds, my marriage is A-O-K thank you. mr. zippy and I will be celebrating our 11th year together on our 6th wedding anniversary this April and although he's broken my back in the last really, really passionate love making we'll ever share some four years ago, and although I annoy the crap out of him sometimes, truthfully, we make each other better people, and I do not want to imagine my world without him in it. Perhaps that's why the Colin hay tune struck me the way it did.

See, you just have to understand, mr. zippy is stoic and isn't one to wear his heart on his sleeve. but me... like a moth to the flame, I am DRAWN to sad. Give me an afternoon of Sophie's Choice and Frances any day over Beavis and Butthead or Dodgeball. Now, I like those as well, but I will always wait for rental where they're concerned. But not with S-A-D. The sadder the better.


So when I listened to Colin Hay singing those lyrics, and I looked up and saw my picture along with mr. zippy's and ours together, not to mention our beloved four legged child, doggie zippy, who's been with us almost as long as we've been working on this couplehood... it just broke my heart... because I KNOW I KNOW I KNOOOOWWWWWWW!! I will never get over him. For eleven years, he's rocked my world - and he still does, it's true. Somehow, I open up his world and in exchange he keeps me grounded when I'm bouncing off the satellites.

So FRET NOT all you worry warts! Life is good.

conversation in zippy's world just this afternoon...

cashier: That one item is a dollar more than the others just like it. Can you afford that?

me: I don't think a single dollar is going to break me.

cashier: You seem rich.

me: "I seem rich?"

cashier: Yes, you seem very full.

me: I have a good life.

cashier: See? When your heart is content, you are rich.