conversation in zippy's world...
NOTE: This conversation was preceded by a view of EXTREME MAKE OVER...
him: So, what we have to do is adopt some really incredibly cute kids.
me: Right.
him: And then you have to die.
me: Ok?
him: But before you die you have to send these people a letter.... 'All I want for my poor mr. zippy is a new house.'
me: Ok.
him: And a new car. Porsche would be nice. And a trust fund for our incredibly cute kids. And a lifetime annual allowance of one million dollars with which I can do anything I determine.
me: of course!
him: And a hot girl friend.
me: You got it, babe.
him: but she has to be smart, too.
me: Oooh. Hot AND smart? now you may be asking for too much. they may not go for that.
him: Even with my incredibly cute kids?
me: Well... the worst they can do is say no, right?
him: Exactly! So, a hot, smart girlfriend for my incredibly cute kids, a million dollars annual tax free income --
me: you didn't say tax free before.
him: I didn't?
me: no.
him: oh. well. ok, a million dollars income and a devious but brilliant cpa.
me: that ought to do it.
him: Or I could get two hot girl friends, both of average intelligence instead of, you know, smarter than me.
me: You want a woman smarter than you?
him: Yeah, why not?
me: Oh, honey.
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