Monday, March 28, 2005


We spent the long weekend toiling in the garden ( we are officially the tulip envy of the neighborhoood - PREEN! ), donating hours to a local professional theater that desperately needs non-prof bucks, and watching a batch of lame (and not in a good way) movies, all of mr. zippy's picking:

The Forgotten - what was with this flick??? it taxied down the runway but never took off, in spite of a stellar cast and a fun deus ex machina that ripped unwanted characters right from before our eyes! Although, I must admit, I expected the sci fi ending to come as a surprise based on everything I'd been told about this one, but it was the same sci fi thread throughout. Lame. 2 MOYAS - for the acting and that giant sucking machine.

The Village - this movie should have been made for television. And someone else should have either a) written it or b) directed it. M. Knight doesn't have the clarity to do both w/ his own work. He had it in his first film, The Sixth Sense, but not since. Even Shattered had more clarity than this one. And anyone who didn't see the ending coming from a mile away just wasn't paying attention. Lame.

Open Water - this was actually better than I anticipated. the longer the film goes on, the less that happens, and it makes complete and total sense and leaves me feeling like I've just watched one of the most depressing films ever made. My kinda flick ;-) 3 Moyas.

What the Bleep Do We Know? - I like Ebert's review and agree w/ it but for the part about the blonde w/ bright blue eyes. mr. zippy and I agreed supper with that woman would be an INTENSE experience - me quite curious, him wanting to run screaming from the room. There are two threads to this film, and it's rather difficult to call it a 'film" as it's more a documentary that will likely be shown in college classrooms for years to come (and is hard to imagine how it got a theatrical release at all). The Marlee Matlin moments, not so good. But the documentary moments, really engaging. 2.5 Moyas.

Beyond that, I sent mr. zippy on an Easter egg hunt and no, none were snatched up in my vagina, and yes, it was a full dozen of Easter appropriate love-me-nots like, "You're my own personal Jesus" and "I'd stop the world and melt with you" and "you're my creamy colon."

let me 'splain that last one

the one reason we Ugly Americans ought to be happy the Japanese did not win the war was such delicacies as mmmmmmmm Creamy Colon candy! shaped in the form of a human colon, and filled with your CHOICE of vanilla OR chocolate cream. yummmmmmmmmmmmm. squid flavored crackers aside, I think I want my fill of vanilla creamy colons although I'd have to be pretty drunk to enjoy the chocolate. that one might just be too much to bear.