hilites --
first and foremost, the consistent message to the troops serving around the world. FOLKS, YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!
Morgan Freeman couldn't be more classy if he tried. AND HE GOT HIS FRELLING OSCAR AT LAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Julia Roberts didn't show until the last possible moment! WEEEEE!!!!!
Charlize Theron couldn't be more impossibly beautiful.
The whole enchilada was digested by 11:30 -- surely that's a record???
Hilary Swank remembered her husband!!
If you can't have Angelina Jolie, at least you have Beyonce.
OH! OH! OHHHHHH!!!!!! Jay-Z.
Leo DC looked fiiiine and all growed up in his tux. I know he was nommed for "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?" but what was the other film he was nommed for?
Kate Winslet ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS seemed sincere! Her beaming smile was so very beautimous and warm that I truly felt she was RIGHT THERE WITH YA MAN!
Clint Eastwood WON DIRECTOR AND PICTURE AND THE BEST PART WAS?? -- THEY NEVER DID A CUT-AWAY SHOT TO SCORCESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was truly a beautiful thing.
Hilary is now in the press room giving post-show interviews and I must say I'm impressed w/ this young woman's poise. Maybe I'll cut her some slack.
lowlites --
Julia Roberts showed up in the last quarter.
Taylor Hackford looked PISSED OFF - that he did not win (is that why they didn't do a cutaway to Scorcese??)
What's w/ all the gorgeous gowns being so tight the girls wearing them can't step step step??? CASE IN POINT: the irrepresible Renee Zellwegger took Morticia Adamms on Prozac steps to the microphone! and she wasn't the only one.
Why wasn't Arthur Miller mentioned in the Memorium clip? I KNOW HE DIED THIS YEAR, sillies, but so did Ossie Davis. Hmmmm...
WHO KNEW The Purple Rain King Prince could be so stilted and boring???
WHO KNEW Josh Grobin was the non-charismatic white boy equivalent of James Ingraham?
WHO KNEW Chris Rock wouldn't be any better than Whoopie Goldberg as an Oscars host??
.... I think next time they need to call in Ellen D.
Thumbs up! They mixed it up a bit w/ having some o the noms/recipients literally waiting in the shadows, and while this saved expensive air time, it also denied the winners their moment on the stage, facing the most presitigious audience (for their livelihood) they may ever face. on the one hand, YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!! but on the other hand, BOOOOOOOOOOooooOoooOooOOooOooooooo!
But I quite liked the set, thanks.
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