Wednesday, February 16, 2005

So, in trying to write a one-act play, which, admittedly, it's been a while... in trying to write this particular one-act play, I thought I wanted to write a memory play, take one of those god-awful moments from my familial past and commit it to paper and stage. But that only made me want to drink mass quantities of wine. MASS (and I don't mean Holy) QUANTITIES.

So, three hangovers later, I decided it might just be best not to go there after all.

And I've embarked on a semi-autobiographical tale of a failed love affair.

Everything's semi-autobiographical, isn't it?

At least in my world it is.

I very often wish I wrote fiction. Or more fiction. Rare are the moments in which I do. Woe. Is. I.

So, I've written an eight page synopsis, complete with dialogue and fist fights and all and now I must flesh out the emotion of it. Why do these stupid people care about each other? We know what their conflict is but at this point it's semi-autobiographical. How biographical do I want to make it? Hmmm....

You know what else I've taken to doing lately?

Recognizing how short actors are on film/tv. The guy w/ the unibrow on The O.C. - short. not. tall. at. all. The guy courting Jimmy Smits on The West Wing? short. short. short. Not quite Martin Sheen short, but short. CSI (the original) ??? CSI is the LAND OF LILIPUTIANS!! O.M.G. S.H.O.R.T!!!



Not that short people don't have merit. OF COURSE THEY DO. But it's a difficult enterprise, transitioning one's perspective from seeing that tall, hot stud on the tele to seeing that short, compact stud on the tele. And YES! YES! YES! I HAVE gone out with short men. The smallest was 5'3". Honest Injun. And How. Nice guy. Small penis. Weeeeee baby small penis. How do you play with that thing and not make it seem like a swizzle stick? Well, I could tell you how, but that would make me blush.

But there is Jimmy Smits. And mr. zippy. He's taller than me, too.