This may come as quite the shock to those of you in the know, but I'm bringing Huggy to town next week. seriously. it's a pre-emptive strike against the next phase of annual spring drama. maybe he'll have such a good time here that he'll forget all about exploiting my bleeding heart and crying a river 'cause his mama died a dozen years ago. who knows? maybe our other brother will even find it in his heart to call on Huggy's birthday.
mr. zippy is for it, else it wouldn't happen, of course. the only law he's set down is 'tell your brother not to drink all my expensive scotch.'
that's easy.
but it's Huggy's birthday, and his mama did celebrate her birthday w/ him every year of his life until the week she died (just six day short of her 49th, seven days short of his 31st).
and it was cheaper to bring him here than it was for me to go there.
I've asked my gourmet neighbor to come up w/ a sugar-free but delicious birthday cake for him. then i told her not to bother that I'd whip together a mousse instead. depending on how many folks want to participate, we'll be taking him out on the town or grill in my back yard. I expect a drive into the mountains but nothing any more fancy than that throughout his stay here.
so, who's up for supper?
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