Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Teach found out that as soon as I complete the course the "F" will be turned into whatever the new grade is.


Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Can i just say how B-I-T-T-E-R I am.

yes, it's my blog, I think I can.

I've just receivd word that my entire Zoloft meltdown, all the documentation i provided -- including information not only from the product manufacturer but the NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH and a note from my doctor, such that she is, laying out the litany of side effects I DID EXPERIENCE, thank you very fucking much, has now accumulated to WHAT??? NADA. NYET. NILCH at this fucking school I'm in. N.O.T.H.I.N.G. They even took away the two incompletes I had by two gracious teachers who seemed to comprehend the SHIT I've been through because of that fucking drug. INSTEAD THEY GAVE ME "F"'s - 'F'S as in FUCKING FUCK YOU FUCK YOU VERY MUCH - in both courses. My 3.98 GPA is now a teetering 2.66.

that's me primal screaming at the top of my lungs if it weren't for mr. zippy, who hates yelling of any sort, though he currently is watching football. OOP! no. it's the little league world championship game.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Saturday conversations in zippy's world:

him: I was expecting a younger crowd.

me: It's an Elvis impersonator.

him: in-TER-PRE-TER.

me: riiiiiiight.

. . .opening act. . .

me: i dunno, mr. zippy, he sure seemed like an impersonator to me.

him: that was the young elvis, the warm-up act.

me: there's more?

him: you didn't read the link i sent you did you?

me: i looked at it . . . I bought the tickets didn't I! . . .

. . . between acts . . .

me: I can't believe this is my father's wedding ring.

him: what are you going to do with it after I die?

me: Give it to my nephew.

him: ok.

me: What makes you think you'll die first?

him: I dunno. Just do.

me: Because women outlive men by ten years or so?

him: Yeah.

me: Well. . . if it makes any difference, diabetes pretty much negates that gap between us.

him: Oh.

me: But no matter which one of us dies first, know that I will always love you.

him: awww

us: (smooch)

. . . now back the concert . . .

him: Wow! he's got a really great voice!




. . . after the concert . . .

him: That was fun!

me: A lot more fun than I anticipated!

him: you didn't think you'd like it?

me: I expected a really cheesy production. but KING SIZE PAID THE RENT with EVERY SONG!!!

him: are you going to be hoarse in the morning?

me: AND HOW!

Sunday, August 07, 2005

what better way to spend a weekend morning than laying in bed w/ the one you love, talking, giggling, making out??

Saturday conversations in zippy's world:

me: oh! ouch! this hurts my neck.

him: sorry.

me: I feel so old.

him: (giggle giggle giggle giggle)

me: "Oh woe is I this hurts my neck so!"

us (giggle giggle giggle giggle giggle)

me: oh! ouch! maybe i should disconnect my insulin pump.


me: 'Hurts my neck! unplug the pump!"


what better way to spend a Saturday afternoon making sangria - both red and white - and testing them every step of the way?

me: What made you want to do this?

him: The recipes sounded good.

me; we could have just gone to the restaurants and tried these.

him; but then we wouldn't have had this to do together.

so, I spent all Saturday night catching up on Queer As Folk because my dear friend Angie swears watching these queer boys is the next best thing to straight girl porn (which everyone knows there isn't any of - there's only straight boy porn and gay porn and of the two , gay porn is it), and my two friends Gary and Larry swear has gotten better since it's inception and is worth watching today, toward the very end of its five year run on SHOWTIME (how's that for free adverts?). here's my conclusion:

Brian = Judd Nelson ala anything he did in the 1980s.

BEN = Anthony Michael Hall had AMH had a career between, oh, say, 1987 and 2003. otherwise, the most boring character on television.

Michael = Ralph Macchio for queer cinema.

Deb = you know, there is no one quite like Sharon Gless.

Emmett = I HEART EMMETT. Paul Goddard ('Stark') would be this role on the gay variation of 'Farscape'.

Ted = Ben Stiller sans testosterone; you know, circa 'Your Friends and Neighbors' period.

the lesbos on this thing suck. heh.

tall blond lesbo = Chloe Sevigny minus one level of depth , if that's possible.

short brunette lesbo = Amy Brenneman is AB lacked dimension, humor and, most of all, talent.

"hot guy" = Stephen Baldwin w/ a seriously bad 'do.

Right. That's it. So now we're working off the sangria and the chicken salad I made for supper in our iron skillet w/ the big butcher knife mr. zippy brought into our union; the two dogs and the cat were all under foot as I chopped and cooked and now they're all pooped and i still have to clean the kitchen. what is wrong w/ this picture?

Thursday, August 04, 2005


Monday, August 01, 2005

Saturday conversation in zippy's world. . .

him: you should go get the mail.

me: in the rain?

him: when it lets up.

me: how come?

him: because I got you a prize!

me: and you hid it in the mail box?

him: I ordered it.

me: you know it arrived?

him: no, but it should have. do you want your prize or not?

me: OF COURSE I want my prize!

him: then go get the mail!

(pad pad pad pad pad pad pad pad pad pad pad pad)

me: does it come from STAMPS.COM?

him: YEP!

me: WEEEEEEEEEE! (ripping envelope open) oh. wow. I wasn't expecting THAT!

him: you don't like it?

me: it's just kinda weird. I've never seen so many of me!

him: you can send them to all your friends!

me: well, not ALL my friends.

him: Twenty of your friends.