Sunday, February 27, 2005


hilites --

first and foremost, the consistent message to the troops serving around the world. FOLKS, YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Morgan Freeman couldn't be more classy if he tried. AND HE GOT HIS FRELLING OSCAR AT LAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Julia Roberts didn't show until the last possible moment! WEEEEE!!!!!

Charlize Theron couldn't be more impossibly beautiful.

The whole enchilada was digested by 11:30 -- surely that's a record???

Hilary Swank remembered her husband!!

If you can't have Angelina Jolie, at least you have Beyonce.

OH! OH! OHHHHHH!!!!!! Jay-Z. MAN-O-MANNNNN!!!!!!!! if that fella looked at her with more love and joy in his eyes, then I know I would have fallen off my sofa with empathic desire.... sing it with me now DE-ZIIII-URRR!!

Leo DC looked fiiiine and all growed up in his tux. I know he was nommed for "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?" but what was the other film he was nommed for?

Kate Winslet ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS seemed sincere! Her beaming smile was so very beautimous and warm that I truly felt she was RIGHT THERE WITH YA MAN!

Clint Eastwood WON DIRECTOR AND PICTURE AND THE BEST PART WAS?? -- THEY NEVER DID A CUT-AWAY SHOT TO SCORCESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was truly a beautiful thing.

Hilary is now in the press room giving post-show interviews and I must say I'm impressed w/ this young woman's poise. Maybe I'll cut her some slack.

lowlites --

Julia Roberts showed up in the last quarter.

Taylor Hackford looked PISSED OFF - that he did not win (is that why they didn't do a cutaway to Scorcese??)

What's w/ all the gorgeous gowns being so tight the girls wearing them can't step step step??? CASE IN POINT: the irrepresible Renee Zellwegger took Morticia Adamms on Prozac steps to the microphone! and she wasn't the only one.

Why wasn't Arthur Miller mentioned in the Memorium clip? I KNOW HE DIED THIS YEAR, sillies, but so did Ossie Davis. Hmmmm...

WHO KNEW The Purple Rain King Prince could be so stilted and boring???

WHO KNEW Josh Grobin was the non-charismatic white boy equivalent of James Ingraham?

WHO KNEW Chris Rock wouldn't be any better than Whoopie Goldberg as an Oscars host??

.... I think next time they need to call in Ellen D.


Thumbs up! They mixed it up a bit w/ having some o the noms/recipients literally waiting in the shadows, and while this saved expensive air time, it also denied the winners their moment on the stage, facing the most presitigious audience (for their livelihood) they may ever face. on the one hand, YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!! but on the other hand, BOOOOOOOOOOooooOoooOooOOooOooooooo!

But I quite liked the set, thanks.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

the dogs and I were eating nori seaweed slices earlier this evening and we thought to ourselves "Self," (it was a collective thought), "you ought to blog and let everyone you freaked out know you're doing much better."

ok. so.

self-mutilation and all, i'm doing ok.


stop fretting about me, all you fretters.



I'm looking ino getting a shrink to help with my drama and hoping i don't fail any course work as a result of all this -- although i already know I am failing at least one class. the insulting thing is that it's ON LINE.


I have sat in this chair for so long today that my ass literally aches. I can't bring myself to leave the house today, although I did just walk to the post box and back, much to the new dog's chagrine. he never thinks I'm coming back. sweet, puppy that he is.

just picked up a Robert Earl Keen disc for mr. zippy that I don't think he was even aware was out there. he'll be happy. i'll be tickled to watch him shake his tail feather again. other discs in rotation in la casa de zippy:

keane "hopes and dreams"

emmylou harris "stumble into grace" (I want to look just like emmylou harris when i grow up)

leonard cohen "ten new songs" (although the cd is from 2001, so not *EXACTLY* new...0

gabriela anders "last tango in prio" (a complete smooth jazz vocal album of billie holiday covers)

john hiatt (a best of cd)

melissa etheridge "lucky"

norah jones "feels like home"

feels like a mood to me.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005



me: TOO LATE! I'M DEAD! *click!*

... just kidding...


blah blah blah SHE AGREED w/ everything the Good Doctor said and said to let her know what my new script was as she would likely be able to provide the drugs because, you know, "We can get all sorts of things through the VA...'

like doctors that don't return phone calls.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005


So, if you were my doctor and I rang your voice mail at six in the morning saying (and, i hate to admit it, but I do quote):

"Hello Doctor. This is ME. (OK, you got me. the REAL quote begisn now: I am afraid I'm experiencing a bad reaction to one of the pharmaceuticals you have me on as I"VE BEEN SELF MUTILIATING FOR TWO MONTHS AND IT"S FINALLY COME TO A HEAD!"

Rather like picking a pimple, wouldn't you say? SPLOOSH! THERE IT IS!

So, if I rang you at six in the morning and told you I'd been self-mutiliating, self MUTILATING, self MU.TI.LA.TING, and knowing you would get your messages by eight a.m. at the latest,

how long would it take you to call me back?


how long?

there's plenty of time to let me know your answer as I'M STILL WAITING for my doc to return my call (it's now midnight y media my time, a full twenty+ hours after I left my message).

of course, this is the same chick who failed to answer any of my messages for three weeks, knowing I'd been drowning in my own bronchitis-induced mucous for four frelling months.

that time, as it turned out, I not only had bronchitis, but the bronchitis was severe enough to bring out asthma and allergies (which were the likely culprit in the first place, but who knew?).

so, self MUTILATION on the voice mail, I thought, would be an ample way of saying I. NEEEEEEEED. YOU. TO FREA.K.ING. CALL.ME.BACK. TODAY. THANKS.


but it's true.

she has yet to return my call. And I have been self-mutilating.

I realize this is a tremendous confession, considering all but two people in my immediate world read this blog, but there you have it.

WHY???? have I been self-mutilating?






But it's been incredibly painful.

I crippled myself for two days, by plucking my toenails out. That requires taking your socks off, you know. I bled so much, I marvelled at the blood oozing in my tub as I showered, cringing (much as you are now, only in physical pain) as it slithered along the slanted porcelain and down the drain. When two of my writers group came by early and invited me to dine with them, I just couldn't, and I could not tell them why.

I could not put shoes on those two days and, honestly, i am only now getting to the point that they are remotely comfortable.

I passed up dinner and movie invitations because of it.


I ripped my finger nails off - AGAIN.

I'd already done that a couple of weeks before, and had nibbled on them ever since, but then I caught myself gnawing on my fingers again and thinking to myself "SELF, THIS IS REALLY GONNA HURT IN THE MORNING" and I couldn't stop gnawing.

See that post below? Where mr. zippy is cracking a joke about me chewing his nails off for him? More literal than you imagined, eh?


So i asked myself, as I either rocked in/out of a fetal position, as I tried very very VERY hard not to chew or pluck anything, "SELF! SELF!!! WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING????"

My life is good.

I know I say that, and you think having read this confession that HOW HOW HOW can that BE??? OR you may be thinking HOW HOW HOW can you kick mr. zippy's ass??? but it is true.

my life is so good that, indeed, I really did think I was losing my mind.

and I was rather fearful as, I said to mr. zippy, "it's disconcerting, considering my family history.'

THIS was sooooo UNlike me that I took to investigating all the various prescription drugs I am on and YOU KNOW WHAT I DISCOVERED???

The VA - God bless the U.S.Aaaaaaaaaa! - had INCREASED my prescription for Zoloft BY HALF w/out telling me.



Because they got it cheaper in the upper mg pill rather than the lower.


(see all those giant letters up there? not a keyboard snafu)>

I called the National Institutes of Health:

them: you should really talk to your physician about this.

us: I'm not asking for advice. I'm asking for information.

them: you should really talk to your physician about this.


so, I called a 1-800 medical advice number (which i would GLADLY GLADLY give out here but they asked me not to, as they are a private practice working mr. zippy's employer and not a public service facility NO. SHIT!!!).

when that nurse confirmed my suspicions about the drug (that it was really fucking with my mind!!!!), I WEPT. Not quite like a baby, but I had not realized just how R-E-L-I-E-V-E-D I would be upon hearing that it REALLY REALLY COULD BE the result of a pharmacuetical chemical imbalance rather than that I was, in fact, the latest casualty of the idiot gene pool wars. I never verbalized it, but I considered buying a gun and confirming my will just in case.

I want to weep again, just thinking about it.

So, this evening I called my old, beloved doctor in Philadelphia, and she confirmed AGAIN my suspicions. (WARNING: BEGINNING OF PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT!!!):

doc: I am NOT an advocate of those kinds of drugs.

me: Why didn't you say something when I first told you I was on it?

doc: You said you were feeling better.

me: Not any more!

doc: They can permanently alter your chemistry. they are NOT good drugs.

me: what can I do?

doc: you MUST cut back to your original dose IMMEDIATELY. RIGHT. NOW. BUT it will still be a few weeks before you recognize a difference.

me: o.k.

doc: in the meantime, never rely on primary care docs to monitor your psychiatric health. it's such a crap shoot, they're all guessing anyway. you're best off just biting the bullet and seeing a shrink.

me: o.k.

doc: and whenever you start to feel anxious, walk your dogs instead.

me: walk my dogs?

doc: exercise. increase the natural saratonin in your brain. it may turn out you really do require a pill to help keep you mentally balanced, but it might not. exercise often works wonders for the psychiatric mind. and one other thing.

me: what?

doc: you can never do cocaine.


doc: I'm serious.

me: hahahahahahahahahhahaha!

doc: you can never do cocaine because it has the same effect that Zoloft and the other drugs in its same class has on the mind; it literally alters your chemistry and CLEARLY you can't handle it.

me; ok. thanks.

doc: when are you coming to see me?

me: not soon enough, apparently.

And I'm firing my VA physician. It's utterly reprehensible that veterans are treated with such disreguard. NOT ME. I am truly one of the fortunate ones as I have means of paying for medical help outside the VA facility. But what about those poor schmucks who can't?? What about the folks like my in-laws who retired expecting the VA to take care of them in their elderly years? What about the shattered folks returning from Iraq, just in the time for even more cuts in Veterans' Healthcare spending?

It makes my heart heavy just to think about.

In the meantime, it has taken me an hour to type this, when typically I type at 170 wpm. With good fortune, I will be able to use my fingers without cringing in the morning.

I stayed up waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay late last night. Fell asleep on the couch with either dog snuggled in between the cushions.

We watched "Sense and Sensibility" until 4am. I hadn't seen it since it was in the cinema.

That was Grand Junction, before I moved in with mr. zippy but after I'd fallen in love with him.

What a good movie it is! Kate Winslet was so very young! Emma Thompson is only now prettier - did you see the snap of her at last year's BAFTA's? HOT! Gives me hope for the future. And I'd completely forgotten how charming Alan Rickman can be!

Awwww... I feel like having an Austen film fest now!

Sunday, February 20, 2005

conversation in zippy's world...

me: I've never seen your nails so long.

him: I need to cut them.

me: yeah.

him: Or I could just let you chew them off for me.

me: Careful. I might hurt you.

him: Then instead of the loony bin you'll go to jail.

me: At least I know people there.

him: And family.

me: That's right.

him: And I could visit you. Maybe we could get conjugal.

me: Conjunction Junction, what's your function?

him: Picking up girls along prison highways...

me: Everybody sing!

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

So, in trying to write a one-act play, which, admittedly, it's been a while... in trying to write this particular one-act play, I thought I wanted to write a memory play, take one of those god-awful moments from my familial past and commit it to paper and stage. But that only made me want to drink mass quantities of wine. MASS (and I don't mean Holy) QUANTITIES.

So, three hangovers later, I decided it might just be best not to go there after all.

And I've embarked on a semi-autobiographical tale of a failed love affair.

Everything's semi-autobiographical, isn't it?

At least in my world it is.

I very often wish I wrote fiction. Or more fiction. Rare are the moments in which I do. Woe. Is. I.

So, I've written an eight page synopsis, complete with dialogue and fist fights and all and now I must flesh out the emotion of it. Why do these stupid people care about each other? We know what their conflict is but at this point it's semi-autobiographical. How biographical do I want to make it? Hmmm....

You know what else I've taken to doing lately?

Recognizing how short actors are on film/tv. The guy w/ the unibrow on The O.C. - short. not. tall. at. all. The guy courting Jimmy Smits on The West Wing? short. short. short. Not quite Martin Sheen short, but short. CSI (the original) ??? CSI is the LAND OF LILIPUTIANS!! O.M.G. S.H.O.R.T!!!



Not that short people don't have merit. OF COURSE THEY DO. But it's a difficult enterprise, transitioning one's perspective from seeing that tall, hot stud on the tele to seeing that short, compact stud on the tele. And YES! YES! YES! I HAVE gone out with short men. The smallest was 5'3". Honest Injun. And How. Nice guy. Small penis. Weeeeee baby small penis. How do you play with that thing and not make it seem like a swizzle stick? Well, I could tell you how, but that would make me blush.

But there is Jimmy Smits. And mr. zippy. He's taller than me, too.

Monday, February 14, 2005

this is what he woke me with this a.m....

"zippy's valentine day 2005: songs for zippy. the best wife -- EVER!

At Last - Etta James
You Make Me Feel So Young - Frank Sinatra
Can't Help Falling in Love - Elvis Presley
The Very Thought of You - Billie Holiday
Always On My Mind - Willie Nelson
I Fall to Pieces - Patsy Cline
Understand Your Man - Johnny Cash
Forever Young - Rod Stewart
When I Fall In Love - Nat King Cole
I Got You Babe - Sonny and Cher
Thank You - Dido
You Send Me - Sam Cooke
A Groovy Kind of Love - Wayne Fontana
I Only Have Eyes for You - Billie Holiday
Have I Told You Lately - Rod Stewart
La La Love You - Pixies
Love Is All Around - The Troggs
The Look of Love - Dusty Springfield
You Are So Beautiful - Joe Cocker
Breathless - Jerry Lee Lewis
What a Wonderful World - Louis Armstrong

that man is so getting laid tonight.


Sunday, February 13, 2005

You know it's a sad, strange world we live in when you find yourself listening to Pat Buchanan and agreeing with everything he says.

Osama Bin Laden is the hero in the Middle East, not George W. Bush. They aren't killing us because they hate freedom and democracy. They're killing us because they want us out of their country. They want their country back.

Now doesn't that make sense?

Get the hell out of Iraq. Get the hell out of Saudi Arabia. Unless they've asked us to be there, get the hell out of everyone's business but our own.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

For all you inquiring, FRETFUL minds, my marriage is A-O-K thank you. mr. zippy and I will be celebrating our 11th year together on our 6th wedding anniversary this April and although he's broken my back in the last really, really passionate love making we'll ever share some four years ago, and although I annoy the crap out of him sometimes, truthfully, we make each other better people, and I do not want to imagine my world without him in it. Perhaps that's why the Colin hay tune struck me the way it did.

See, you just have to understand, mr. zippy is stoic and isn't one to wear his heart on his sleeve. but me... like a moth to the flame, I am DRAWN to sad. Give me an afternoon of Sophie's Choice and Frances any day over Beavis and Butthead or Dodgeball. Now, I like those as well, but I will always wait for rental where they're concerned. But not with S-A-D. The sadder the better.


So when I listened to Colin Hay singing those lyrics, and I looked up and saw my picture along with mr. zippy's and ours together, not to mention our beloved four legged child, doggie zippy, who's been with us almost as long as we've been working on this couplehood... it just broke my heart... because I KNOW I KNOW I KNOOOOWWWWWWW!! I will never get over him. For eleven years, he's rocked my world - and he still does, it's true. Somehow, I open up his world and in exchange he keeps me grounded when I'm bouncing off the satellites.

So FRET NOT all you worry warts! Life is good.

conversation in zippy's world just this afternoon...

cashier: That one item is a dollar more than the others just like it. Can you afford that?

me: I don't think a single dollar is going to break me.

cashier: You seem rich.

me: "I seem rich?"

cashier: Yes, you seem very full.

me: I have a good life.

cashier: See? When your heart is content, you are rich.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

conversations in zippy's world...

me: I replaced the old chopsticks with new ones.

him: But I liked the old ones.

me: I just don't think it's healthy to eat with moldy chopsticks.

him: The Chinese have been doing it for centuries.

me: I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm not Chinese. I'm an anal retentive caucasian American of European descent.

him: Have you been listening to AM radio again?

me: . . . maybe I have and maybe I haven't . . .

. . .

TV Narrator: ". . . they drug the warden from the Bastille through the streets of Paris. . ."

him: And SANG!

TVN: ". . . it is said that he was so desperate that he finally begged the marauders 'kill me! just kill me!'"

him: And then he SANG!

TVN: ". . . they tore the prison down brick by brick, using only their bare hands . . . "

him: As they SANG!

TVN: ". . . the revolution was on its way . . ."

him: And then they SANG!