Friday, January 30, 2004

conversations in zippy's world...

him: hey! come in here and look at the new web site I made for us.

me: (looking) AIIIEEEE!

him: ???

me: Honey, you can't put that picture on there!

him: Why not? It's a good one of us. I like it.

me: See that thing there? (I point)

him: yeah.

me: That's my SNATCH you're showing the world, mister.

him: no way.

me: WAY.

him: (looking)

him: (looking closer)

me: WAY!

Sunday, January 25, 2004

ok. just off the phone w/ my Huggy. he's a mess. I expect him to die sooner rather than later. it would probably be a blessing for him, though.

My brother is mentally ill, homeless, diabetic w/ degenerative disc disease. He has lost 90 lbs in the last two months during which time he has been in and out of intensive care 5 times. He does not take care of his diabetes and now he looks like a cancer victim - and has convinced himself he is a cancer victim (w/out having any tests to go on). Part of this is the baggage of our mother's lingering death to cancer that weighs heavily on him (as he sees his own emaciated self in the mirror). Most likely, it is his diabetes completely out of control and w/out proper care he will not recover. But he is homeless (read: w/out insurance to pay the costs) and therefore "expendable" to those responsible for his care.

You have to understand something, too: he is homeless by choice. Our other brother and I have done everything we can for him but he has abused our relationships consistently throughout our entire lives and we have both reached the point that we will extend ourselves only so much. We cannot have him live w/ us ever again. Huggy knows this, and he knows why. He may never admit to it freely, but he knows.

And you have to understand something else, as well: it breaks my heart.

Saturday, January 24, 2004

Adios Abuela. Gracias para benedicion nos con tu vida. Vigilar nos de la otro orilla.

adios... adios....

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

I almost forgot the best phone conversation in zippy's world, from middle aged and looking it mr. zippy...


"I know I'm in Utah."

"Because of the big Mormon emblem above the WELCOME TO UTAH sign?"

"Because I couldn't get a beer without a picture I.D."

"Did someone have to sign for you?"

"No, but there's a big wall between me and the rest of the restaurant."

"When you coming home, Heathen?"

I almost forgot the best phone conversation in zippy's world, from middle aged and looking it mr. zippy...


"I know I'm in Utah."

"Because of the big Mormon emblem above the WELCOME TO UTAH sign?"

"Because I couldn't get a beer without a picture I.D."

Monday, January 12, 2004

mr. zippy made it to his destination.

I began my new semester today by being involved in a 4 car wreck just outside the school. Fortunately, only two of us were totaled - I wasn't one of them. ASTOUNDINGLY we were all completely insured.











Missed all but five minutes of my first class. Fortunately, the teach let me sit in on her second class that pretty much went over the same stuff. I think she's a snake in the grass. Wouldn't want to work for her, but she'll prolly prove to be a good teacher.

Second class ... looks quite promising. Teach thinks Jeanette Winterson's "The Passion" a TOP NOTCH recommendation for the students to use as their primary paper project. Teach also thinks the research paper is a thing of the past. Hello advent of the internet. She also remembered me from submitting my work to the school rag. How do I tell her I think the school rag is CRAP but am hoping it'll pub me just to have something on my resume?

Third class... cancelled. Prof has flu. WEEEEEEE!

Hello chiropractor and liquor store. Chiro can't get me in until tomorrow but Glenfiddich fit me in just fine.


Oh, and mr. zippy arrived alive by BUS. He tells me NO ONE arrived by flight. Everyone had issues.

He also tells me the guy they've all gone in to rescue leaves work early w/ problems crippling them, only to come back kicking and screaming.

In times like this I'm glad we moved from there. It makes me remember the assholes (plural) he dealt with before and compare them to the asshole (singular) he deals with now. We're far better off.

Tomorrow's schedule: two classes, chiropractor and insurance adjuster. WEEEEEEEEEEE!

Sunday, January 11, 2004

phone conversations in zippy's world...


"I'm in Salt Lake.... Flights are delayed due to weather.... I'll call you when I board."


"They cancelled all the flights - SIX HOURS AGO!"

"But, isn't that before you arrived?"


"And they didn't broadcast it?"

"I checked as soon as I got off the flight and have been checking ever since. Everything says ON TIME or ON SCHEDULE."

"Can they put you on a bus?"

"They've already chartered one and it left FOUR HOURS AGO!"

"And they didn't tell you?"

"They gave me a voucher for a hotel... I'll call you from there."


"Their voucher doesn't cover the cost of the hotel."


"'We're not responsible for weather', she said."

"But they are responsible for not doing their jobs, right?"

"Welcome to America."

"Call me tomorrow."


"I'm in Hell."

Saturday, January 10, 2004

mr. zippy has flown to Colorado for two weeks. he's phoned me once from the airport, will phone again from Salt Lake, again from his CO destination.

I miss him already.

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

I'm looking at this list of how to's for "Wild Women" --

1. Keep in touch with your inner rebel. (It's okay if the relationshiop is merely friendly rather than hot and heavy - we can't all be Madonna or Susan B. Anthony!)

2. Try to act in a way that is true to your deepest self, even if your mother, significant other, or society in general does not support your behavior. (Easier said than done but highly gratifying in the long run.)

3. Befriend and nurture other women.

4. Befriend and nuture yourself.

5. Speak up! Silence is deadly boring - and sometimes just plain deadly. Pouring out your passion in letters, e-mails or manifestos is a fine alternative if you're not the type to scale that soapbox in public.

6. Learn as much as you can about women in history. The more you know about the accomplishments of others, the more inspired you will feel to challenge the status quo.

7. Take pride in women who defy, exceed, or trifle with conventional expectations.

8. Take one step (even a baby one) each week to promote a truly female friendly environment in your home, community, nation, or the world at large.

9. Raise a little (or a lot of), um, heck ... whenever and wherever the need arises.

10. In the immortal words of Red Hot Mama Sophie Tucker: "Keep breathing!"


Friday, January 02, 2004

Thank you, Norman, for sending me the funniest card I have ever received for Christmas. ever. I'm still giggling.

holiday theme in zippy's world...

set me free

something's gotta give

28 days later...

...sounds suspiciously menstrual....

I am such a blessed person. Just when I think I have it all, someone in my peripheral world reaches out to me in such an extraordinary, unexpected way. My friends, you are all quite special. I am profoundly grateful that you include me in your individual lives the way you do.

Thank you.

Happy new year.